Friday, January 7, 2011

Aids and developing countries

Aids is a fatal disease which ultimately leads the patient to death.Aids stands for Acquired Deficiency Syndrome.It proves to be caused as the HIV attacks and destroyed the cells of immune system of the body.The full form of HIV is human Immunodeficiency Virus.Nowadays it has emerged as a global problem.HIV infected people are reported to have been spread all over the world ,but the developing countries have shared a higher percentage.It is more rapidly increasing in developing countries than in developed countries.
AIDS is an incurable diseases. the complete cure for it has not been discovered yet.the symptoms at the initial stage of it are unclear .some of the common symptoms of HIV infection are regular fever more than three weeks loss of weight tan ten percent of the original weight, regular diarrhea more than three weeks and skin rash.

At any stage it can,it Can passed from one person.It is transmitted through the sexual inter course with a person infected with HIV, the transmitted of infected needle, blood etc.It is now most acquirable disease.It is not transmitted by shaking hands ,using towel we should be most be sensitive towards it. prevention method are by
  1. not using infected needle.
  2. by using temporary method
  3. by not using sexual intercourse


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